You can pay for your order by using the following: accepts the following payment methods:
Your order will be confirmed as soon as we receive the PayPal confirmation. Payments via PayPal are usually completed within a few minutes.
If you pay via PayPal, you will always receive an order confirmation. Please note that in some cases processing errors may occur on PayPal websites.
If you want to return any product, we will refund you through your PayPal account. Then you can decide if you want to use the balance of your PayPal account directly on PayPal or if you prefer to transfer it to your bank account.
Pay for your order securely with major credit cards: VISA, VISA Electron, 4B, Mastercard or American Express.
With an Authenticated Credit Card (Verified by Visa / MasterCard SecureCode), Funidelia do not store the data of your card at any time, everything is done through the bank's payment gateway. This method of payment is fully online, so the orders are completely charged when you complete the purchase. In case you wish to return any product, we will refund your money to your bank account. Your credit card data will be transferred encrypted using SSL technology. If you need more information about secure payments, click here.
Vēlamies Jūs informēt, ka šajā formā sniegtos personas datus apstrādās Funiglobal Development SL (Funidelia). Šīs informācijas galvenais mērķis ir atbildēt uz jūsu pieprasījumiem vai jautājumiem. Legitimizācija notiek ar datu subjekta piekrišanu. Informējam, ka jūsu dati netiks nodoti trešajām personām. Jums ir tiesības piekļūt citiem datiem, tos labot un dzēst, kā paskaidrots konfidencialitātes politikā, kas pieejama šeit.